About the BOCT
The Baltimore & Ohio Chicago Terminal Railroad (BOCT) provides switching services for freight railroads.
Successor through purchase at foreclosure of the Chicago Terminal Transfer Railroad Company(CTT). The Baltimore and Ohio purchased the property on January 6, 1910 and renamed the company the Baltimore & Ohio Chicago Terminal Railroad Company (BOCT) and retained it as a separate legal entity.
Freight terminals and 78.21 miles of railroad and trackage rights in Chicago and vicinity connecting with CSXT at Pine Junction, Ind.
Corporate Officers
President – William C. Albright
VP & Corporate Secretary – Steven C. Armbrust
VP & Treasurer – William D. Slater
Board of Managers
William C. Albright
Steven C. Armbrust
Andrew D. Daly
Lauren DeAlexandris
Thomas E. Livingston
Christopher Maffett
William D. Slater